"Watch Over You"
"Leaves are on the ground, Fall has come. Blue skies turning gray like my love... I tried to carry you and make you whole, But it was never enough, I must go...
And who is gonna save you when I'm gone?
And who'll watch over you when I'm gone?
Snow is on the ground, Winter's come... You long to hear my voice but I'm long gone..."
-Myles Kennedy, Mark Tremonti,
Alter Bridge
Watch Over You was taken from the Virgin River Bridge in Zion National Park. While visiting Zion National Park, I was avoiding taking a photo of The Watchman from this vantage point because it has simply been shot and re-shot, and I wanted to try to find something unique. Fall brings out incredible colors in the park, from the orange of the rock, the clouds in the sky, the hues of the changing leaves, and the river below. Shooting from this simple but effective location made me realize why this is such a classic shot: because it’s simply the best view around.
On a personal level this image hits close to home. I was in the process of going through a divorce when I shot "Watch Over You". The turbulent stream waters reflect the
turmoil I felt dealing with the loss; but at the same time, the beautiful leaves and trees represented the new love I had found with meeting my future (and now) wife Danette!
This past year I recently lost my father-in-law after his long battle with heart disease, and now Watch Over You represents the love he had for his family and his Mormon faith. I believe Dale is now watching over us all like The Watchman in this photo. No matter how troubled your waters may become; there is still the golden path back to finding your happiness...